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Ficus Care

Ficus Care

Ficus Care

Ficus are beautiful houseplants that can be grown as bushes or trees. They can add beautiful plant presence to a space. They are generally not tolerant of lower or moderate light and require very bright filtered light (usually West or South-facing exposure) to grow well and retain their leaves over time. Larger tree-forms can also benefit from being treated regularly to prevent pests. 

Easier varieties include: Altissima, Audrey, Benjamina, Elastica, Ginseng (see separate page for Fiddle Leaf Fig care

Difficult varieties include: Alii, Amstel King, Variegated Ficus plants.


  • Very bright, indirect light
  • Does not tolerate medium or low light conditions well
  • Brown spotting on leaves can be caused by overwatering or burn caused by direct sun or leaf trauma. Some spotting is also normal.


  • Likes to dry out 50% between waterings 
  • Water roughly every 10-14 days
  • Leaf dropping is a sign of too much water and not enough light 


  • Average household humidity is fine

Soil Type: 

  • Requires fast draining but rich soil 
  • 2 parts nutrient rich potting soil (or soil with slow release fertilizer pellets), 1 part perlite 
  • A dusting of worm castings on the topsoil is also good for fertilizing

Toxicity Level: 

  • Toxic to animals 

Additional Information:

  • Ficus plants do not tolerate change well, on occasion they can experience periods of leaf loss when adapting to change or when they experience a change in watering habits. Leaves can grow back overtime, but trees that struggle in this way should be placed in the brightest filtered light possible indoors.
  • Glossy leaves can collect dust, so a gentle dusting with a microfiber cloth or duster is beneficial 
  • Ficus roots are delicate! If repotting, do not tease root mass 
  • Keep away from cold drafts 

Popular Varieties: Elastica Ruby, Tineke, Burgundy, Alii, shop all Ficus 

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