SIgn the petition to free Mahmoud Khalil, unconstitutionally and illegaly arrested to be deported in direct retaliation for his advocacy in support of Palestinian rights.
New Workshop Dates Added! Schedule A Workshop.

COVID19 Protocol

We thank you for your support of our plant store, and wish to be as safe as possible in serving you. In accordance with Berkeley’s City Health guidelines, we ask that our customers wear Face Covering. If you do feel any of the following symptoms associated with COVID-19, we ask that you stay home, and we can arrange to deliver your plant(s) to you if you are local:

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Sore throat
  • New loss of taste or smell

This does not list all possible symptoms. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Please call 911 or call ahead to your local emergency facility if you are feeling more severe symptoms.

Thank you and take care!

Paraíso Plant Studio Social Distancing Protocol

How the business is achieving the following, as applicable:

  1. Being a sole-proprietorship, we guarantee that only the owner, or her spouse are allowed into Paraíso Plant Studio (here on as “the facility”) during business hours for Curbside Pickup, in order to easily maintain a minimum six-foot distance from individuals at all times, except as required to complete Essential Business activity. Any additional personnel entering the facility must wear a face covering and protective gloves, and must maintain at least 6ft distance from anyone else inside the facility.
  2. Face coverings are required to be worn by all customers, ages 2 and up, waiting outside the facility to pick up their order.
  3. A line may form for customers outside of the facility only along Allston Way, and at marked six-foot increments to maintain adequate social distancing.
  4. Hand sanitizing wipes will be available for customers.
  5. All payments will be completed in advance in order to ensure contactless transactions. Customers are asked to inform us of their arrival to pick up their order, at which time we will place their purchased product(s) at the curbside drop off point.
  6. We regularly disinfect high-touch surfaces, including door knobs and handles, with 70% isopropyl alcohol before or after anyone’s use.
  7. We keep posted a sign at the curbside drop off point informing all personnel and customers that they should: avoid entering the facility if they have any COVID-19 symptoms; maintain a minimum six-foot distance from one another; sneeze and cough into one’s own elbow; not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact.
  8. We wear protective gloves before opening, during operation, and closing the store, and discard and change gloves when their integrity appears compromised.
  9. Any additional social distancing measures being implemented (see the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance at: business-response.html).


Paraíso COVID-19 Prevention Plan

Risk assessment and plan implementation by Paraíso Plant Studio


Berkeley Health Department:

1947 Center Street, 2nd Floor, Berkeley, CA 94704

TEL: (510) 981-5300, TDD: (510) 981-6903, FAX: (510) 981-5395

Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm, 



We pledge to:

  • Regularly evaluate the workplace for compliance with the plan and document and correct deficiencies identified.
  • Investigate any COVID-19 illness and determine if any work-related factors could have contributed to risk of infection. Update the plan as needed to prevent further cases.
  • Identify close contacts (within six feet for 15 minutes or more) of an infected employee and take steps to isolate COVID-19 positive individual(s) and close contacts.

Paraíso Personnel Daily Guidelines:

  • All store personnel will administer Daily Self-screening at home, including temperature and/or symptom checks using CDC guidelines.
  • We will neither open the store nor come to work if we have a frequent cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell, or if we or someone they live with have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Personnel must seek medical attention our symptoms become severe, including persistent pain or pressure in the chest, confusion, or bluish lips or face.
  • Personnel shall not come to work if employees have a frequent cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell, or if they or someone they live with have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Personnel must seek medical attention if their symptoms become severe, including Trouble breathing, Persistent pain or pressure in the chest, New confusion, Inability to wake or stay awake, Bluish lips or face.
  • Call 911 or call ahead to your local emergency facility: Notify the operator that you are seeking care for someone who has or may have COVID-19. Updates and further details are available on CDC’s webpage. 
  • Berkeley is testing any resident who exhibits COVID-19 symptoms. Appointments can be set up by calling the city’s test screening line at 510-981-5380, weekdays, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
  • Personnel must implement frequent handwashing with soap and water, including scrubbing with soap for 20 seconds (or using hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol, per CDC guidelines).
  • We shall follow proper use of face coverings, which are required to be worn by all personnel, ages 2 and up, including: 
    • Acknowledgement that face coverings do not protect the wearer and are not personal protective equipment (PPE); 
    • Face coverings can help protect people near the wearer, but do not replace the need for physical distancing and frequent handwashing; 
    • Personnel should wash or sanitize hands before and after using or adjusting face coverings; 
    • Personnel must avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth; 
    • Face coverings should be washed after each shift; 
    • Personnel must wear protective gloves before opening, during operation, and closing the store, and discard and change gloves when their integrity appears compromised.
    • Personnel must never interact with someone who is not wearing a face covering. In these cases, we should remind these customers that  face coverings are required by the City of Berkeley Health Dept., and point to our sign posted in view at the curbside pickup area.
  • Any temporary or contract workers at the facility will also be properly trained in COVID-19 prevention policies and have necessary PPE. 

Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols

  • Hand sanitizing wipes will be provided with each purchase at the curbside drop off point, which is the only point where customers are allowed to patronize Paraíso Plant Studio.
  • We must ensure our cleaning chemicals are approved for use against COVID-19 on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved list and follow product instructions. Use disinfectants labeled to be effective against emerging viral pathogens, diluted household bleach solutions (5 tablespoons per gallon of water), or alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol that are appropriate for the surface.
  • We regularly disinfect high-touch surfaces and Designated Work Areas such as the register, as well as Curbside pick-up spot, door knobs and entrance handles, with 70% isopropyl alcohol before or after anyone’s use. 
  • We shall train all personnel on manufacturer’s directions and Cal/OSHA requirements for safe use. Personnel using cleaners or disinfectants will wear gloves as required by the product instructions.
  • Reusable bags for purchases are temporarily not accepted.


Physical Distancing Guidelines

  • Being a sole-proprietorship, we guarantee that only the owner or her spouse are allowed into Paraíso Plant Studio (here on as “the facility”) during business hours for curbside pickup, in order to easily maintain a minimum six-foot distance from individuals at all times, except as required to complete Essential Business activity. Any additional personnel entering the facility must wear a face covering and protective gloves, and must maintain at least 6ft distance from anyone else inside the facility.
  • A line may form for customers outside of the facility only along Allston Way, and at marked six-foot increments to maintain adequate social distancing.
  • All payments will be completed in advance in order to ensure contactless transactions. Customers are asked to inform us of their arrival to pick up their order, at which time we will place their purchased product(s) at the curbside drop off point.
  • We keep posted a sign at the curbside drop off point informing all personnel and customers that they should: avoid entering the facility if they have any COVID-19 symptoms; maintain a minimum six-foot distance from one another; sneeze and cough into one’s own elbow; not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact.